Little millets are commonly known as Saame, Sama, Kutki, Saamai, etc. It is a rich source of B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium among others. It is also a rich source of essential phosphorous. It also provides nutrients such as iron, zinc, fiber and vitamin B6, which are essential for our day to day functioning. Its high fibre content is yet another positive making it an ideal part of pongal or even kheer instead of rice. They are high in Iron content, fibre and antioxidants. It helps in diabetes and stomach related illness.
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Little millets are commonly known as Saame, Sama, Kutki, Saamai, etc. It is a rich source of B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium among others. It is also a rich source of essential phosphorous. It also provides nutrients such as iron, zinc, fiber and vitamin B6, which are essential for our day to day functioning. Its high fibre content is yet another positive making it an ideal part of pongal or even kheer instead of rice. They are high in Iron content, fibre and antioxidants. It helps in diabetes and stomach related illness.
Little millets are commonly known as Saame, Sama, Kutki, Saamai, etc. It is a rich source of B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium among others. It is also a rich source of essential phosphorous. It also provides nutrients such as iron, zinc, fiber and vitamin B6, which are essential for our day to day functioning. Its high fibre content is yet another positive making it an ideal part of pongal or even kheer instead of rice. They are high in Iron content, fibre and antioxidants. It helps in diabetes and stomach related illness.
Little millets are commonly known as Saame, Sama, Kutki, Saamai, etc. It is a rich source of B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium among others. It is also a rich source of essential phosphorous. It also provides nutrients such as iron, zinc, fiber and vitamin B6, which are essential for our day to day functioning. Its high fibre content is yet another positive making it an ideal part of pongal or even kheer instead of rice. They are high in Iron content, fibre and antioxidants. It helps in diabetes and stomach related illness.
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