This honey is raw, unheated and unpasteurized, thus retaining all the natural goodness of the honey. It is certified organic by the Uttaranchal Organic Certification Agency. This honey comes from the Uttarakhand hills which are unique for their richness in floral biodiversity. Apis cerana native bees of Uttrakhand collect nectar from the plants growing on these fertile hills to prepare honey with special medicinal properties. This area is completely free from any kind of chemical pollution, making this honey 100% pure and free of additives, chemicals or preservatives. * Ingredients: 100% honey * Shelf Life: 12 months Uses of Multiflora Honey * It can be added to breakfast cereals and granola * It can be used as a substitute for regular sugar * It can be consumed directly daily to help boost immunity over time. The Product has shelf life of 12 months
CF-OHN-37The product is at its best price.
This honey is raw, unheated and unpasteurized, thus retaining all the natural goodness of the honey. It is certified organic by the Uttaranchal Organic Certification Agency. This honey comes from the Uttarakhand hills which are unique for their richness in floral biodiversity. Apis cerana native bees of Uttrakhand collect nectar from the plants growing on these fertile hills to prepare honey with special medicinal properties. This area is completely free from any kind of chemical pollution, making this honey 100% pure and free of additives, chemicals or preservatives. * Ingredients: 100% honey * Shelf Life: 12 months Uses of Multiflora Honey * It can be added to breakfast cereals and granola * It can be used as a substitute for regular sugar * It can be consumed directly daily to help boost immunity over time. The Product has shelf life of 12 months
This honey is raw, unheated and unpasteurized, thus retaining all the natural goodness of the honey. It is certified organic by the Uttaranchal Organic Certification Agency. This honey comes from the Uttarakhand hills which are unique for their richness in floral biodiversity. Apis cerana native bees of Uttrakhand collect nectar from the plants growing on these fertile hills to prepare honey with special medicinal properties. This area is completely free from any kind of chemical pollution, making this honey 100% pure and free of additives, chemicals or preservatives. * Ingredients: 100% honey * Shelf Life: 12 months Uses of Multiflora Honey * It can be added to breakfast cereals and granola * It can be used as a substitute for regular sugar * It can be consumed directly daily to help boost immunity over time. The Product has shelf life of 12 months
This honey is raw, unheated and unpasteurized, thus retaining all the natural goodness of the honey. It is certified organic by the Uttaranchal Organic Certification Agency. This honey comes from the Uttarakhand hills which are unique for their richness in floral biodiversity. Apis cerana native bees of Uttrakhand collect nectar from the plants growing on these fertile hills to prepare honey with special medicinal properties. This area is completely free from any kind of chemical pollution, making this honey 100% pure and free of additives, chemicals or preservatives. * Ingredients: 100% honey * Shelf Life: 12 months Uses of Multiflora Honey * It can be added to breakfast cereals and granola * It can be used as a substitute for regular sugar * It can be consumed directly daily to help boost immunity over time. The Product has shelf life of 12 months
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